Welcome from the Worshipful Master
What an honour it was to have been installed as Worshipful Master of The Warwickshire Installed Masters Lodge No 4538 by R W Bro Richard Wallis PJGW on the evening of Friday 30th September in the Lodges Centenary year. A great responsibility was suddenly placed on my shoulders to maintain and uphold the Principles and Traditions of the Lodge.
However, it’s a task that I relish and will do my best to ensure that my year will be one to be remembered.
I have arranged for three Guest Speakers to present what I hope will be three very interesting and thought-provoking papers.
I very much hope that those of you who are eligible to become members, but who have yet to join, will seriously consider making application and join us the special moments the Lodge constantly enjoys at every meeting.
We meet at the Kings Heath Freemasons Hall, 221 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 6DT just four times a year.
Peter Manning PGSwdB Worshipful Master September 2023