Seven is an important number in Freemasonry – as we learn from the second degree tracing board, seven or more make a lodge perfect as King Solomon took seven years and upwards to build the temple and in illusion to the seven liberal arts and sciences.
At the recent meeting of Warwickshire Installed Masters’ Lodge, we also heard about the ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Lodges’ which is the title of WBro Tony Harvey’s latest book. WBro Tony was the Prestonian Lecturer for 2012 – looking at the parallels between two major aspects of his life: Freemasonry and Scouting – and is a prolific author and gifted speaker having produced a number of talks and books on a number of varied masonic topics.
WBro Tony spoke most eloquently about how a lodge may become more successful and was pleased to answer a number of questions. Unsurprisingly, he did come with a supply of his book which, as you can see from the photos, he was pleased to sign. They are readily available in any good masonic outlet and if you would like to buy a copy click here – if WBro Tony’s talk is anything to go by, I am sure that it is an excellent read, Scout’s honour!!
It was delight to see the lodge room so full and the brethren so clearly engaging with our guest speaker. Over 100 brethren then enjoyed a splendid Festive Board before heading home to think about how they can best put into practice some of their newfound habits!
SWG April 2023